A Portrait of the |
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Mr. John Lehman, former Secretary the Navy:
"A book for the times, when Americans are searchng for their roots and for inspiration..."
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Marine Corps Gazette:
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Two extraordinary books...no red-blooded citizen will find these books boring..."
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Outstanding...a comprehensive overview of the facts...a tremendous reference for teachers and students alike."
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Savannah Morning News:
"A book for people who get tears in their eyes when the Flag goes by."
Mr. Henry "Bud" Shaw, Chief Historian, USMC, retired:
"A great work...superlative job that shows incredible research, stamina and drive."
General William C. Westmoreland, ret. Chief of Staff, U.S. Army:
"an accurate depiction of U.S. Military...serves worthy purpose for those interested in factual history."
Military, The Press of Freedom:
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The Friday Review (Dept. of Defense):
"these volumes are meant to be used by researchers and libraries...this is an astonishing achievement...the works deserve a prominent place in the nation's recorded history files."
Small Press Review:
"the coverage is encyclopedic and dramatic...can be read for an unforgetable journey through the war."
General Thomas Kelly, USA Ret.:
"a great book."
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"A massive and exceedingly thorough chronicle of the key militay events from 1919-1945...this is one of those you-have-to-see-for- yourself books. We believe you'll be as impressed as we are."
National Defense Magazine (Volume II):
"a monumental chronological compilation...day-by-day snapshots by theatre and it is crossed referenced in a 62 page index...splendid source for recalling the agony and glory of World War II."
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"Excellent Works-heart stirring. The books vividly portray the Americans on the battlefield...an unabashedly patriotic panorama that should be read by every American."
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