This is selection of stories and tributes to the U.S. Armed Forces, excerpted from A Portrait of the Stars and Stripes, Volumes I and II and other works of Seniram Publishing Inc. Glenside, Pennsylvania 19038.
The stories are read by the author, Bud Hannings.
Copyright1991-2008 © Bud Hannings

Invasion of New Providence 1778
The story of the capture of New Providence in the Bahamas without firing a shot by the Continental Marines during January 1778.

Sgt. Knobby Walsh
Interview with Ed Walsh (Knobby). Joined National Guard at fourteen and two years later joined Marine Corps 1945. Served in China then Korea, wounded 1951. After Korea served as Drill Instructor MCRD San Diego.

Interview with General William Westmoreland
Archives 1990. This is an interview with General William Westmoreland that occurred in Boone, North Carolina 1990. General Westmoreland shares his thoughts on the Vietnam War and other topics with interviewer, Bud Hannings.

Battle of Engano
Naval Battle of Engano, fought off Philippines during October 1944. Excerpted from Portrait of the Stars and Stripes Volume II, Seniram Publishing.

USS Parche and Steelhead
This is the story of two US submarines operation off Formosa during July 1944. Rear Admiral Ramage received the Medal of Honor for his heroism during the mission.

Good Morning
This is a short tribute to the United States Armed Forces by Lauren.

Invasion of the Aleutian Islands
This is the story of the Japanese invason of Alaska during 1942 and the subsequent events leading to their expulsion during the following year. Excerpted from A Portrait of the Stars and Stripes, Volume II, Seniram Publishing, Glenside PA 19038.
Battle of Midway
The Battle of Midway June 1942 The naval battle in which the Americans defend the island of Midway in the Pacific.
This is the story of the USS Indianapolis
This is the story of the cruiser, USS Indianapolis, which is charged with delivering the Atomic Bomb to Tinian during 1945 and her fateful voyage from there to the Philippines. The story also covers the Enola Gay and the delivery of the bomb over Japan.
Lou Sessinger of the Intelligencer Newspaper Interview
This is an interview with Lou Sessinger, a journalist with the Intelligencer, a Pennsylvania newspaper who recently spent time with the troops in Iraq. Lou's columns can be seen at Interview conducted by Bud Hannings

History of Leatherneck Magazine
This is the story behind the Magazine of the Marines, Leatherneck as told during an interview with Colonel WAlt Ford, USMC retired, the present editor of Leatherneck. Colonel Ford tells of the history of the magazine as well as the purpose of the magazine and he speaks of the many benefits of receiving the magazine, but there is much more including what is on the Leatherneck
Battle of Saipan
Follow the U.S. Marines and the 27th Division, USA when they invade Saipan to gain a base in the Marianas for B-29s. The invasion occurs during June 1944 and becomes the steppng stone for the invasion of Tinian.

Invasion of Guadalcanal
This is the story of the first U.S. offensive during World War II when the 1st Marine Division invades Guadalcanal, nearly eight months after teh attack against Pearl Harbor. It is also the story of the first U.S. land-victory of the war.

Battle of Wake Island
The Battle of Wake Island. A small contingent of U.S. Marines come under attack shortly after the devastating sneak attack against Pearl Harbor, but the indefatigable Marines withstand repeated assaults until they are ordered to surrender on 23 December, 1941 in what becomes a legendary part of Marine Corps history.
Battle of The Bulge And The Relief Of Bastogne
General George S. Patton, Jr., and Third Army during the Battle of the Bulge and the relief of Bastogne during December 1944. The musical score, The Relief of Bastogne is written by Mr. Ray Tonchen and the piece is played by the 113th Army Band, led by Ken Allen. The piece is rad by the author, Bud Hannings.

The Invasion of Tarawa
The Marines and U.S. Army invade Tarawa, which the Japanese claim can't be taken in one hundred yers by one million Yanks. Following a bloody battle during November 1943, the objective falls in several days
The Battle of Samar
The Battle of Samar occurred on 25 October, 1944. At the tie, three Japanese
fleets moved against U.S. at the Philippines on 23 October. The naval
confrontation lasted until the 26th while two other battles also erupted. The
three sea battles occurred near simultaneously. The U.S. prevailed and the
Philippines remained under U.S. control. Story excerpted from Portrait of the
Stars and Stripes, II.
New version Another New Nephew of Uncle Sam
This is a version read by Lauren Mitros, a Fourth Grader. Lauren wanted to send
her best wishes to the troops and wish them a Merry Christmas. Duplicate of a
recent podcast episode
Another New Nephew Of Uncle Sam
A tribute to the U.S. combat forces in the war against terrorism. Seniram Publishing.

Naval Battle of Leyte Gulf October 1944
One of three near-simultaneous naval battles fought off the Philippines during October 23-26 1944, just after General MacArthur's return to the Philippines. Story exerpted from Portrait of the Stars and Stripes II, Seniram Publishing.

Tribute To Major General George S. Patton
This is a farewell tribute to Major General George S. Patton who passed away on June 27, 2004. The episode includes an interview with the general during 1991 and it includes a section regarding his funeral written by one of the men who served under him in Vietnam, Bob Hersey.
Interview With Bernie Coyle, USN, WWII
An interview with a sailor who arrived in the Pacific Theater during the latter part of the war, just in time to encounter a typhoon off Okinawa, during September 1945.

Normandy Invasion
The Normanddy Invasion June 6 1944. The Allies invade France against enormous German resistance. An extraordinary military invasion that involves thosusand of ships and about 150,00 U.S. and British troops.
Battle of San Pietro
The U.S. Fifth Army en route to Rome must take San Pietro, the link to the Liri Valley and Rome. Two battles occur during December 1943. The story is excerpted from A Portrait of The Stars and Stripes, Volume II, Seniram Publishing.

Invasion of Sicily July 1943
The U.S. 7th Army under General George S. Patton, Jr. and the British under General Montgomery invade Sicily on Jluy 7, 1943. The 7th Army crosses Sicily in 38 days in a spectacular display of American persistence against two German Divisions, supported by the Italian division there March with Patton from Gela to Messina.
Interview With Jerry Tague WWII Artilleryman
This is an interview from the archives with Jerry Tague who served with the U.S. Army as an artilleryman during WW II. The late Jerry Tague participated in landings at North Africa, Sicily, Italy, where he witnessed the destruction of Monte Cassino and he landed with 3rd Army in Southern France. Jerry resided in Glenside, Pennsylvania.

The Cook and the Scabbardfish
An interview with Nick Christodoulou, a crewman (and cook) of the sub, Scabbardfish, which had five War Patrols during WWII. The Scabbardfish sunk four vessels during the war and its cook unnexpectedly caused the sub to hrriedly surface in Japanese waters.

God's Shining Light
A tribute to the American armed forces in teh fight against terrorism. The piece is read by the author, Bud Hannings, Seniram Publishing, Glenside, Pennsylvania.

Warriors In The Sand
A tribute to the U.S. Marines that planted the flag in Baghdad.

Lest We Forget
A patriotic tribute to the armed forces and why we respect the Stars and Stripes.

It's Our Flag
A patriotic tribute to the U.S. Armed Forces in regard to terrorism.

Battle Of Pearl Harbor
This is an account of the Japanese sneak attack against Pearl Harbor on 7 December, 1941. The story is excerpted from a Portrait of the Stars and Stripes, Volume II, Seniram Publishing.

Swift Silent Sentinel
Tribute to the Submariners of World War II.

Farewell Our Friend
A patriotic tribute to a deceased veteran.

The Submarine USS Tang
The story of the Tang, one of the 52 submarines that did not return from World War II covers the Tang's fifth and final War Patrol during late 1944. The story is excerpted from A Portrait of the Stars and Stripes, Volume II, Seniram Publishing Inc.,

The Eternal Flag
A Patriotic Tribute To The U.S. Armed Forces and The Stars and Stripes.

Heroes Final Parade
A Memorial Day Tribute To Fallen Veterans

Battle of the Coral Sea
The U.S. fleet engages the Japanese fleet in the Coral Sea during May 1942. The opposing fleets never make contact. The entire battle is fought between the opposing planes. The battle is the prelude to the Naval Battle of Midway.

Battle of Iwo Jima
U.S. Marines invade the island of Iwo Jima during February 1945. The island is defended by about 23,000 Japanese. At battle's end, nearly all of the defenders are annihilated. The Mrines are ordered to seize the island to gin its two operating airfields from which U.S. fighters can begin to provide protection for U.S. bombers. The Marines raise the flag on Mt. Suribachi during
this successful campaign; however, more than 6,000 Marines are killed..

Interview With A Patriot
This is an article written for the Marine Corps Association, Leatherneck Magazine, Quantico Virginia for Flag Day. It is in the June 2005 issue of Leatherneck.

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