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The American Flag
They call her by many names, and speak of whence she came, but surely by
any name, its certain she's one and the same.
At first, when she arrived, around 1775, she wore several borrowed designs,
although King George's was merrily declined.
Some used trees of pine, or an anchor under stars, but others thought it
to be Liberty's wake, on the flag appeared a rattlesnake.
The King was bold and quick to scold, but surely the colonists refused to
fold. Instead they appealed to Heaven as it is told.
By God, proclaim that we are free, our banners wave across the land and on
the sea, the flag of those who cherish liberty.
One day in January, it was to be, the Colors were struck as the flag of the
Free and it was tagged to be, our Grand Union Flag.
The stripes were dressed with the crosses of Saints Andrew and George, up
in the corner caressed in blue, as she so proudly flew.
The Declaration was made, the Flag unfurled, with God's blessings just right,
soon after came the birth of the Stars and Stripes.
The sabers would clash, the cannon would fire, while Infantry and long muskets
would compel the British to quickly retire.
The names they vary for that noble flag, but in all her glory, when you hear
her story, its clear she's the emblem of Liberty.
For Honor and Freedom, across this blessed land, she does stand, whether
off in a foreign land or out at sea, she's always grand.
She's our Star Spangled Banner, the banner we love, her Stars and Stripes,
so bold and so bright, under God's precious light.
Americans pledge allegiance to their flag and republic, "...One Nation under
God, indivisible with Liberty and Justice for all." Written by Bud Hannings (Seniram Publishing) Christmas Eve December 24, 2000
Copyright 2000 A.D. © Bud Hannings Seniram Publishing, Glenside Pennsylvania http://usmilitaryhistory.com
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