
Red White and Blue Bar
Poster (8.5 x 11 Glossy suitable for framing) available - See bottom of page

Lest We Forget

America’s yesterday, totally consumed by Valor, Bravery, Sacrifice and proud determination has provided Americans of this generation the privilege of enjoying Today as Free citizens of the greatest nation on earth. Those valiant Americans continue to inspire us to cherish Freedom and to protect and defend America from the clutches of tyranny, be it from our obvious adversaries on the outside of our national perimeter or from the inconspicuous elements from within our very precious shores, thus ensuring Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.

They too will share in our great American heritage with the knowledge that tomorrow will come, even better than today, and the legacy left for us from our forefathers will be handed down until the end of time, a legacy that has been unmatched since the beginning of mankind.

Our proud American tradition of being the most outstanding example of what free men can accomplish is and will forever be inspired by the actions of all American Patriots, past, present and future, guided by the grace of God and the magnificent Flag that represents our great nation, the Stars and Stripes of these United States of America.

When you see the Flag pass by, remember that every patriot that has rallied to her side in the service of the United States Army, Navy, Coast Guard, Air Force and Marine Corps for more than 200 years, has served to protect you and your family. Yes, the Stars and Stripes, the symbol of the land we love, is your Flag. You are part of the “Grand Ole Flag.” Never be embarrassed to pledge allegiance to your flag and your country, one nation under God, the United States of America.

Long May She Wave!!

“I Pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United
States of America and to the Republic for which it stands
one nation under God, indivisible
with Liberty and Justice for all.”
Red White and Blue Bar 

Copyright 2001 © A.D. Bud Hannings Seniram Publishing Glenside, Pennsylvania 19038 http://usmilitaryhistory.com

Full color copies 9x12 including text and photo (photo shown at top of page), suitable for framing available. Order one or more today. Send $3.50 including shipping to Seniram Publishing, P.O. Box 432, Glenside, Pennsylvania 19038 Additional copies (with order) including any of the five Patriotic Tributes available are $2.00 each. Or order the full set of five posters for $10.00 including shipping. These include The Eternal Flag (9x12), It's Our Flag (8.5x11), There's Our Flag (8.5x11), God's Shining Light (8.5x11) and Lest We Forget (8.5x11)

Also, get one poster of your choice free with purchase of any of our books. Just include your selection with your book order.

Bulk Rates Available. 

Red White and Blue Bar
God Bless America And God Bless the Stars and Stripes
Red White and Blue Bar

Copyright 2001 © Bud Hannings Seniram Publishing
Glenside, Pennsylvania 19038

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Story of the American Flag

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