

Copies (8.5 x 11 Glossy suitable for framing) available - See bottom of page
Warriors In The Sand

Another enemy land, a lot more sand
A tyrant’s unwieldy hand and his last stand
A strong wind, meanwhile, blows another gale
A silent foe, the Marines seemingly leave no trail

They move quietly by air and by sea
Those Marines from the land of the free
And they remember the pirates at Tripoli
Where they swiftly hoisted Old Glory

On a darkened night or at dawn so bright
The Marines will land with the target in sight
So swiftly they’ll strike and exhibit their might
Baghdad surely will know they lost the fight

With swagger and skill, from those disciplined drills
And momentum unmeasured, lacking only frills
The Leathernecks’ courage, from their DIs, instilled
Will advance without chance, to plant the flag on the hill

The Marines will salute, with a sharp snap of the wrists
Once they evict the tyrant they pinned under their fists
Old Glory will fly, while another nation, with joy cries
With their dignity restored and their freedom untied

The Marines, one and all, once again answered the call
And the tyrants soon found themselves in a free fall
They came from the shadows and covered the land
The Marines had landed and the “situation was well in hand.”

Bud Hannings 3/17/2003
Seniram Publishing Glenside,
PA 19038 Copyright ©2003

Red White and Blue Bar
God Bless America and God Bless the Stars and Stripes
Red White and Blue Bar

Copyright 2003 Bud Hannings Seniram Publishing, Glenside Pennsylvania 19038

Full color copies 81/2 x11 including text and photo (photo shown at top of page), suitable for framing available. Order one or more today. Send $3.50 including shipping to Seniram Publishing, P.O. Box 432, Glenside, Pennsylvania 19038 Additional copies (with order) including any of the five Patriotic Tributes available are $2.00 each. Or order the full set of five posters for $10.00 including shipping. These include The Eternal Flag (9x12), It's Our Flag (8.5x11), There's Our Flag (8.5x11), God's Shining Light (8.5x11), Lest We Forget (8.5x11) and Warriors In The Sand (8.5x11). 

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